Life in Tornado Alley: Preparing Your Salina Roof for Spring Storms

Life in Tornado Alley: Preparing Your Salina Roof for Spring Storms

According to Kansas records, Salina is a hot spot for tornadoes. In a quick internet search, videos and reports can readily be found showing the different tornadoes and how they have impacted the Salina area. This is a clear indicator that tornadoes will happen at some point if you live in Tornado Alley. Being prepared for the disaster and knowing what to do if your roof sustains damage is imperative during a springtime storm. 

Be Prepared

This simple motto has been vocalized for decades by the Boy Scouts of America organization. Being prepared is the same as being proactive. Don’t wait until damages happen before you access some problems. For example, check your gutter system. Of course, in a tornado, your gutter system won’t hold the house together. However, in springtime rainstorms, the gutter system must work efficiently to divert away from the home to a safe location. If your gutters are clogged or blocked with debris, the water will only spill over the edges like a waterfall.  


roof leaks Shull Remodeling - Salina

After the storms pass, do a thorough check for any areas of leakage. In addition, do you notice discoloration on the ceilings of your attic? What about the walls of your attic, are they discolored with water stains? Water damage can lead to mold, mildew, and rot. Make sure to have these areas addressed and sealed up before the damage increases.

Trim Back Overhanging Trees

This project may require some outside professional assistance. The trees don’t stop growing just because they extend over your home. You need to make sure they are trimmed back so a fierce spring storm doesn’t break off limbs or branches on your roof causing extensive damage.  

Buy Some Tarps

This seems easy, but it is indeed essential. When spring storms arrive, shingles have the potential of flying off and leaving the roof open and vulnerable. Have some tarps set aside to protect the area until a roofing contractor can do the storm damage repairs

tornado roof damage Salina

Review Your Insurance 

Pull out the homeowner’s policy and do a quick review of what to do, and what is covered in a nasty storm. It is wise to have this information ready in case it is needed. Keep the roof warranty information with your insurance policy for easy access as well. Snap a few photos of what your roof looks like on a normal day, so there is something to compare it to after the storms do their dirty work. 

Remove Debris From the Roof

This may seem simple as well, but on a nice day, make sure any branches, twigs, nests, or other unessential items are removed from the surface of the roof. You don’t need to add to the damage a storm can do on its own. 

Inspect the Roof

Before the storm season, have your roof inspected yearly for areas of weakness or sections to repair. In a storm, these areas could be vulnerable to extensive damage. Place your trust in Shull Roofing in Salina to yearly inspect your roof and fix any areas that need attention. 

It isn’t comforting to live in Tornado Alley and understand the potential for nasty storms. However, being prepared for the worst can make the whole situation slightly more bearable. Shull Roofing will be right there with you! We know the weather devastation that can happen because we live right here in this community with you. We can stand arm in arm with you and face roof damage together.  

Call today and let’s plan ahead for the upcoming spring storm season with a thorough inspection, and hope the storms pass us by with minimal complications. 

What to Do if a Storm Damages Your Roof in Emporia?

What to Do if a Storm Damages Your Roof in Emporia?

With the recent, severe weather that has passed through Northeast Kansas over the last few months, there’s a high likelihood that you or someone you know has experienced damage to your roof. When hail and high winds blew through Emporia, did you know what to do? Let’s look at some of the steps you should take when you suspect that your roof has been damaged by a storm. 

1. Ensure the area is safe.

The very first step you should take any time you experience damage to your home, particularly from a storm, is to ensure that the surrounding area is safe. Storm damage to your home can create a variety of dangerous hazards that you need to be aware of, including:

  • Downed Power Lines
  • Broken Gas Lines
  • Other Broken Utilities
  • Flood Waters
  • Dangerous Debris

trusted Emporia, KS storm damage roof repair roofers

2. Assess the damage.

Once you’ve determined that the area is safe to venture out, you can start moving forward to get your roof back to normal. If there is very obvious damage to the roof that could lead to further damage inside your home in the interim, you should take this time to contact a local roofing contractor like Shull Roofing to provide temporary, emergency repairs to stabilize the roof. You’ll also want to take this time to perform a quick, self-assessment of your property. Keep an eye out for signs of damage such as: 

  • Bent or Broken Shingles
  • Missing Shingles
  • Excessive Granules in Downspouts
  • Impact Marks from Hail
  • Punctures in the Roof
  • Debris on the Roof 

3. Document all signs of damage. 

As you’re assessing your property, take the time to document all signs of damage to make the process easier going forward. Take note of everything you see, even if you’re not completely sure whether or not there’s damage present. It’s also a good idea to take pictures of everything you see. In addition to suspected damage, you should document signs that the storm in the area was strong enough to cause damage to your roof. News reports of high wind and hail sightings should be noted as well as damage to the surrounding area and neighboring properties. 

4. Contact your insurance provider.

If you intend to file an insurance claim on your storm-damaged roof in Emporia, contact your insurance provider as soon as possible. Time is of the essence when dealing with storm damage and, if the storm was exceptionally severe and widespread, you may run into delays due to a high volume of calls. Be prepared with relevant information when you call to streamline the process. Have the following information easily accessible and ready to go: 

  • Name and Contact Information
  • Address
  • Policy Number
  • Suspected Damage
  • Questions about Your Policy 

best Emporia, KS roofing company

5. Schedule Professional Inspection and Estimate

Don’t waste any time calling Shull Roofing to schedule your free estimate when you suspect storm damage. We will do a thorough inspection of your property to assess the damage, then guide you through the next steps. We can provide relevant information to your insurance company to help ensure you’re getting the coverage to which you’re entitled, and we’ll share our knowledge and expertise with you to help you feel confident in your decisions going forward, whether that means repairing or replacing your roof. 

When you experience storm damage to your roof in Emporia you need a roofing contractor you can trust! Contact Shull Roofing, today, to see how we can help!

9/17/22 – Severe Weather Slams Northeast Kansas

9/17/22 – Severe Weather Slams Northeast Kansas

Northeast Kansas was bombarded by severe weather on September 17, 2022.  The National Weather Service out of Topeka began issuing watches and warnings early in the day with major concerns for the formation of super cells that were likely to produce excessive damage.

Hail and High Winds Whip Through Americus and Emporia

In the early afternoon and late evening, reports of hail and high winds began to pour in from Americus and Emporia.  In Americus 2 inch hail was sighted as well as tree damage including trees up to 6 inches in diameter being uprooted.  There were also reports of a downed power line causing problems for travelers in the area.  Emporia residents reported high winds that were later recorded to be in excess of 70 miles per hour as well as 1-inch hail.

Reports of Severe Storm Damage in Northeast Kansas

The warnings of severe weather in Northeast Kansas from the National Weather Service were accompanied by an estimated 2.7 inches of rain falling throughout the evening.  Structural damage seen throughout the area with homes experiencing hail damage to their roofs as well as wind damage.  There were also multiple reports of down trees on homes as well as damage to other parts of the structures such as windows.  Reports and warnings continued throughout the night though the storm had dissipated by morning.

Emporia State Picks Up Win Despite Evacuation and Delay

The Emporia State Hornets were able to pick up a solid 36-12 win over the Missouri Western Griffins despite the need to evacuate players and fans alike from Welch Stadium due to the extreme weather that swept through Northeast Kansas.  The game was delayed for several hours before players were able to return to the field.

With severe weather comes severe damage.  If your home was damaged in the storms that swept through Emporia last weekend, call Shull Roofing, immediately to schedule a free estimate.  Time is of the essence when it comes to your storm-damaged roof, so don’t delay.  Call, today!

9/17/22 – Severe Weather Slams North Central Kansas

9/17/22 – Severe Weather Slams North Central Kansas

North Central Kansas was bombarded by severe weather on September 17, 2022.  The National Weather Service out of Topeka began issuing watches and warnings early in the day with major concerns for the formation of supercells that were likely to produce excessive damage.

Hail and High Winds Whip Through Tescott and Salina

In the early afternoon and late evening, reports of hail and high winds began to pour in from Tescott and Salina.  In Tescott, 1.5 inch hail was sighted as well as tree damage including trees up to 6 inches in diameter being uprooted.  There were also reports of a downed power line causing problems for travelers in the area.  Salina residents reported high winds that were later recorded to be in excess of 70 miles per hour as well as 1-inch hail.

Reports of Severe Storm Damage in North Central Kansas

The warnings of severe weather in North Central Kansas from the National Weather Service were accompanied by several inches of rain accumulation throughout the evening.  Structural damage was seen throughout the area with homes experiencing hail damage to their roofs as well as wind damage.  There were also multiple reports of downed trees on homes as well as damage to other parts of the structures such as windows.  Reports and warnings continued throughout the night though the storm had dissipated by morning.

Emporia State Picks Up Win Despite Evacuation and Delay

The Emporia State Hornets were able to pick up a solid 36-12 win over the Missouri Western Griffins despite the need to evacuate players and fans alike from Welch Stadium due to the extreme weather that swept through Northeast Kansas.  The game was delayed for several hours before players were able to return to the field.

With severe weather comes severe damage.  If your home was damaged in the storms that swept through Salina last weekend, call Shull Roofing, immediately to schedule a free estimate.  Time is of the essence when it comes to your storm-damaged roof, so don’t delay.  Call, today!

What to Do When a Storm Damages Your Roof in Great Bend?

What to Do When a Storm Damages Your Roof in Great Bend?

A storm-damaged roof can be an eye sore at best and can lead to far greater damage at work. Do you know what to do when a storm blows through Great Bend and causes damage to your roof?

6 Steps to Take after a Storm Damages Your Great Bend Home

Storm damage to your home is an overwhelming experience and it can feel hard to know what to do in the aftermath. Following these six, simple steps will help take the guesswork out of the process for you, so you can feel confident that your home is being taken care of properly. 

Stay Safe!

The first and most important step in the process is to put your safety first. Severe weather in Great Bend can cause hazardous conditions, and you should always make sure your home is safe for you and your family before you take steps to move forward with any repairs. Some of the most common dangers of severe storms are:

  • Downed Power Lines
  • Broken Gas Lines
  • Dangerous Debris Like Glass and Nails

reliable storm damage roof repair company Great Bend, KS

Perform a Self-Assessment

Once you’ve determined that your property is safe you can move on to the next steps. The first thing you’ll do is perform a self-assessment of the property to get a general idea of the possible damage and the conditions that led to the damage. Some of the things you will want to look for are: 

  • Broken, lifting, or damaged shingles
  • Dents and holes in the roofs
  • Granules in the downspouts
  • Damaged siding, gutters, flashing, and fascia
  • Interior leaks 
  • Damaged structures like sheds and fences
  • Displaced lawn furniture or trash cans
  • Reports of high winds or hail sightings in Great Bend

Create an Inventory

As part of your assessment in the previous step, you’ll want to create an inventory. Take as many pictures as you can of any damage you see or signs of severe weather. Also, make a list of any damaged property including your belongings to accompany the photographs. Write down the information you gathered about the storm including wind speeds or hail size. Keeping all of this information organized and easily accessible will be invaluable in the long run as you manage your insurance claim and the repair process.  

Schedule Professional Inspection

Even if you’re not 100% sure that there is damage to your roof it’s a good idea to hire a local, professional roofing contractor like Shull Roofing to perform a professional inspection of your roof. They will be able to thoroughly inspect your property with a trained eye and identify damage that you may not have noticed as well as advice you on the best steps to take for your roof. 

Call Your Insurance Provider

Don’t wait to call your insurance provider. Even though this falls at number 5 on our list, it can and should be done as soon as you suspect there is damage to your home. The claims process can be tedious and time-consuming and it’s best to get it started as quickly as possible. Your insurance company will likely send out an adjuster to perform their own inspection, although some companies are happy to accept reports provided by your contractor. Your specific coverage will be dependent on your company and your policy. When you call your insurance provider, be prepared with: 

  • Name, Address, and Phone Number
  • Policy Number
  • Overview of the Damage
  • Your Contractor’s Report If You Have It
  • Any Questions or Concerns About Your Policy

reputable storm damage repair roofers Great Bend, KS

Hire a Trusted, Local Roofing Contractor

Whether your damage will be covered by an insurance claim or not, your final step in the process will be to hire a trusted, local Great Bend roofing company like Shull Roofing. We will be able to help guide you through the entire process even coordinating directly with your insurance company so you don’t have to. We will promptly perform whatever work needs to be done on your roof whether that’s a minor repair or full roof replacement, and we’ll have you back to normal in no time. 

Was your roof damaged in the most recent storms to blow through Great Bend? Call Shull Roofing, today, to schedule your free estimate! 

What to Do When a Storm Damages Your Roof in Salina

What to Do When a Storm Damages Your Roof in Salina

Storm damage is an unfortunate fact of life for most homeowners, and it can feel scary and overwhelming when a storm causes damage to your roof. If you experience damage to your home in Salina, do you know what to do?

4 Steps to Take After a Storm Damages Your Roof in Salina

They say that knowledge is power, and knowing the steps to take after a storm damages your home can help ease your mind and streamline the process for you. If you experience storm damage, following these four steps can help you get your home back in shape in no time. 

reputable Salina, KS storm damage roof repair contractor

Perform a Self-Assessments

The first step you’ll want to take is to perform a general, self-assessment of your property. You’ll want to keep an eye out for signs of damage to your roof as well as other signs of damage on your property. It’s also a good idea to make a list and take photos of any damage you observe to keep for your records and for your insurance company. Some of the things you’ll want to look for are: 

  • Damaged, lifting, or missing shingles
  • Dents or holes in the roof
  • Excessive granules in the downspout
  • Damaged gutters or siding
  • Fallen trees or branches
  • Damaged structures like fences and decks
  • Displaced lawn furniture or trash cans
  • Local reports of high winds or hail sightings in Salina

In addition to signs of damage, it’s important to look for signs of danger. Storm damage can create hazardous situations and keeping yourself and your family safe should be your first priority. Be aware of downed power lines, broken gas lines, and dangerous debris like nails or broken glass as you inspect your property. 

Schedule a Professional Inspection

Once you’ve verified that there is either visible damage to your roof or that the conditions were appropriate to cause damage, call a local roofing company like Shull Roofing to perform a roof inspection. They will provide a thorough, professional, 25-point inspection of the damage with precise measurements and an expert eye. This will give you the information you need to move forward with repairs or replacements as needed and can also help you while you communicate with your insurance provider. 

Call Your Insurance Provider

You do not need to wait for your inspection to contact your insurance provider – in fact, it’s best to contact your insurance as soon as you can. This is especially important if the storm caused a lot of damage to Salina as a whole because other people will also be calling in with their claims and the insurance company will be busy fielding all of these calls. Your provider will be able to advise you on the specific steps you will need to take to file a claim. They will likely send out an adjuster to perform their own inspection of the roof, although some insurance companies will use the inspection report from your contractor. When you call your insurance company be prepared with: 

  • Your Contact Information
  • Your Policy Number
  • Suspected Damage
  • Any Questions or Concerns about Your Policy

reputable storm damage repair roofers Salina, KS

Hire a Reputable, Local Roofing Contractor

The final step in handling your storm damage is to hire a trusted, local Salina roofing contractor like Shull Roofing. Your roofer will be able to complete all repairs or replacements while keeping in contact with you and even coordinating directly with your insurance company to streamline the claim process and make sure your roof is properly cared for. 

If you’ve experienced storm damage to your roof in Salina, don’t hesitate! Call Shull Roofing, today, and let us help you get back on your feet!