4 Tips to Help You Take Care of Your Hoisington Roof in the Aftermath of a Storm

4 Tips to Help You Take Care of Your Hoisington Roof in the Aftermath of a Storm

When severe weather strikes your area, the aftermath can be extremely distressing. Here at Shull Roofing, a reliable Hoisington roofing contractor, we understand the stress and are dedicated to offering help and reassurance. We’ve developed clear guidelines to alleviate uncertainties, ensuring a more streamlined experience for you during these challenging times.


roof storm damage, roof hail damage, emergency roof repair


Types of Storms

Tree/Debris Damage

Trees or branches falling on roofs can cause significant damage, compromising their integrity and safety. This damage includes harm to shingles, flashing, and potentially the gutter system. Our tree damage roof repair services involve prompt assessment, debris removal, and comprehensive emergency roof repairs to restore structural stability and functionality to your roof.

Water Damage

In Great Bend, KS, roofs are vulnerable to water damage from leaks, rot, mold, ice dams, and more, often caused by damaged shingles, cracked flashing, or poor drainage. Homeowners must hire a skilled roofing contractor to detect and fix these issues promptly, preserving their roofs’ durability and functionality.

Hail Damage

Hail poses a significant risk to roofs, potentially causing structural issues and reducing their lifespan. Hailstones vary in size, with even small ones capable of damaging roofs over time, leading to problems such as broken windows and water infiltration. Detecting hail damage can be challenging and may only become apparent after multiple hailstorms.

Wind Damage

Strong winds can severely impact your roof’s durability, leading to problems like shingle displacement, water leaks, and structural harm. Ignoring wind damage can result in costly repairs and leaks. Preventing wind damage requires proper roof installation, maintenance, and use of sturdy materials. Regular inspections and swift wind damage repairs improve your roof’s ability to endure strong winds, safeguarding your home from potential damage.


roof storm damage, roof hail damage, emergency roof repair


Tips for Storm Aftermath

Tip #1: Stay Calm and Safe

After storm damage at home, staying safe and composed is crucial for personal safety and rational assessment of the situation. A calm mindset facilitates clear thinking, aiding in prioritizing tasks like seeking professional help and securing the property. It also helps prevent further damage by enabling strategic measures such as temporary repairs or fortifying vulnerable areas.

Tip #2: Make Temporary Fixes, if safe

When dealing with storm damage, you may want to try and do small, safe, and temporary fixes until you can get a professional out to do a full consultation. Assess the damage by identifying immediate safety concerns and prioritizing urgent areas. Secure hazardous zones and perform temporary repairs to minimize further damage, such as covering broken windows and patching roof leaks. Wear safety gear, exercise caution with electricity, and document the damage for insurance purposes before seeking professional help for thorough repairs.

Tip #3: Contact a Professional Roofing Company

Contacting a professional roofing company after storm damage ensures accurate assessment and comprehensive repairs due to their expertise. Their focus on safety reduces the risk of accidents, and their use of high-quality materials ensures long-lasting protection for your roof. Additionally, they can assist with insurance claims and often provide warranties for added peace of mind.

Tip #4: Contact Homeowners Insurance

Contacting homeowners insurance after storm damage is crucial for coverage assessment, financial assistance, and navigating the claims process efficiently. Insurance representatives provide professional guidance, helping homeowners understand coverage limits and maximize compensation for necessary repairs or replacements, ultimately reducing the financial burden and expediting the restoration process.

At Shull Roofing, we are dedicated to delivering unparalleled customer satisfaction, expert craftsmanship, and restoring integrity to the roofing sector. Take the first step towards a consultation by reaching out to us today!

Conservation Conscious: What Are the Most Environmentally Friendly Roof Options?

Conservation Conscious: What Are the Most Environmentally Friendly Roof Options?

In the picturesque town of Great Bend, KS, where the warm climate meets the serene coastal landscape, homeowners are increasingly turning their attention to eco-friendly roofing options. As sustainability becomes a focal point for communities across the country, it’s no surprise that residents in Great Bend are seeking roofing solutions that align with their commitment to environmental responsibility. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the locally available environmentally friendly roofing options, offering homeowners a glimpse into the future of sustainable living.

Solar Reflective Roofing: Harnessing the Power of the Sun

Great Bend enjoys abundant sunshine throughout the year. Harnessing this natural resource for energy efficiency is a smart move for homeowners looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

    • Energy Efficiency: Solar reflective roofing materials, such as reflective asphalt shingles or metal roofing with reflective coatings, help reduce heat absorption, leading to lower energy consumption for cooling.
    • Cost Savings: By decreasing the need for air conditioning, homeowners can experience significant savings on their energy bills over time.
    • Environmental Impact: Using the power of the sun to cool your home decreases reliance on non-renewable energy sources, contributing to a greener environment.

Cool Roofing: Innovative Solutions for a Cooler Home

In Florida’s warm climate, keeping your home cool is a priority. Cool roofing is designed to reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat than a standard roof.

    • Temperature Regulation: Cool roofing materials, such as cool asphalt shingles or reflective tiles, help maintain lower roof temperatures, reducing indoor temperatures and enhancing overall comfort.
    • Energy Efficiency: With a cooler home, there is less reliance on air conditioning, leading to lower energy consumption and decreased greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Durability: Cool roofing materials often have enhanced durability, providing a longer lifespan for your roof.

cool roofing in Great Bend

Green Roofing: Bringing Nature to Your Doorstep

Green roofing involves the cultivation of vegetation on your roof, providing an array of environmental benefits.

    • Thermal Insulation: Green roofs act as a natural insulator, regulating indoor temperatures and reducing the need for heating or cooling.
    • Air Quality: Plants on green roofs absorb pollutants and release oxygen, contributing to improved air quality in and around your home.
    • Stormwater Management: Green roofs absorb rainwater, reducing runoff and the strain on local stormwater systems.

Recycled and Sustainable Roofing Materials: A Second Life for Your Roof

Opting for recycled or sustainably sourced materials is a key consideration for homeowners who want to minimize their environmental impact.

    • Reduced Waste: Using recycled materials diverts waste from landfills and promotes a circular economy.
    • Energy Savings: The production of recycled materials typically requires less energy compared to the manufacturing of new materials.
    • Longevity: Many sustainable roofing materials, such as recycled metal roofing, are known for their durability and long lifespan.

Energy-Efficient Roofing: Navigating the Options

Energy-efficient roofing is designed to minimize energy consumption by regulating temperature and reducing the need for mechanical cooling.

    • Lower Utility Bills: Homeowners can enjoy substantial savings on energy bills by investing in energy-efficient roofing solutions.
    • Reduced Environmental Impact: Lower energy consumption translates to a smaller carbon footprint.
    • Increased Comfort: By maintaining consistent temperatures, energy-efficient roofing enhances indoor comfort.

energy-efficient roofing in Great Bend

Making the Right Choice for Your Great Bend Home

As you embark on the journey to choose an eco-friendly roofing option for your Great Bend home, it’s essential to consider your specific needs, budget, and aesthetic preferences. Consulting with roofing experts, such as Shull Roofing, can provide invaluable insights tailored to the local climate and environmental considerations unique to Great Bend.

At Shull Roofing, we understand the importance of sustainable living and offer a range of environmentally friendly roofing solutions to meet the diverse needs of homeowners in Great Bend. Our team is committed to guiding you through the selection process, ensuring that your roofing choice aligns with your values and contributes to a healthier planet.

Contact Shull Roofing today for a personalized consultation. Let us help you make a difference—one roof at a time.

3-Tab vs Architectural Shingles: Which One Is Better for Your Home

3-Tab vs Architectural Shingles: Which One Is Better for Your Home


Your home’s roof can be one of the most important, and costly, investments as a homeowner. Working on a budget can be difficult when dealing with our roof, so below we will compare two of the more cost-effective roofing materials so you don’t have to. 

What Are 3-Tab Shingles?

3-tab shingles are a type of roofing material made from asphalt, adhesives, granular coating, as well as fiberglass for the backing. They get their name from the 3 tabs that are used to secure the shingle to the roof. They are all the same in shape and color, giving a uniform appearance. 

What Are Architectural Shingles?

Architectural shingles are asphalt shingles as well, so they are comprised of the same basic material. The main difference between these two shingle styles is how the shingles are made. This type of shingle has a heavier backing, as well as a more three-dimensional look. With these factors, these shingles are heavier and more substantial than the 3-tab shingles. 


asphalt shingle roofing

Main Differences Between 3-Tab and Architectural Shingles

Just because these two types of shingles are composed of the same materials doesn’t mean they are the same! Let’s take a closer look at the differences, especially regarding what may be a better choice for a Kansas homeowner. 

Durability and Lifespan

Architectural shingles may be made of the same material as 3-tab shingles, but they are going to win out in a test of durability. Their more robust design lends itself to a longer average lifespan of 18-25 years, vs. a 3-tab lifespan of 7-12 years. 


There is a pretty noticeable difference between these two shingle types when it comes to exterior appearance. 3-tab shingles are all the same size, shape, and shade, which leads to a flat, uniform look. A set of architectural shingles look staggered and layered, as well as differ in shade and color. This creates a more 3D look, which could help build a more interesting exterior to your home. 

Wind & Water Ratings

Architectural shingles are going to be better in both wind and water. For climates like Kansas, if you can afford it, architectural shingles will be the way to go. With the extra waterproof coating and granules, to the heavier shingle construction, the advantages of the architectural shingle should be factored into any Kansas homeowner’s roof replacement decision. 


It will probably not come as a surprise that 3-tab shingles are going to come out ahead in this area, as they are one of the cheapest roofing material on the market. If you are needing to stick to a smaller budget, 3-tab shingles will be your best bet. 


asphalt shingle roofing, asphalt shingle comparison

Factors When Deciding

Making a final choice on a new roof is a big decision. Here are a few things to consider when locking in your final choices. 

  • Budget – make sure you have a clear vision of what your budget is. This will help you get rid of some options right off the bat, keeping you focused on the options that are feasible for your family. 
  • Weather – take your local weather patterns into account when choosing your roof. If you are prone to severe weather, look closely at architectural shingles.
  • Neighborhood – you will want to look around and see what others in your general area are doing with their roofs. It would not be a good idea to do either too expensive or too cheap of a roof choice, to keep your home resale prices comparable.

Call Shull Roofing Today!

The last thing you can do to ensure you are making the right choice for your home and family is to get a local roofer to come out and take a look at your specific situation. Call Shull Roofing today, to get a professional’s recommendation on your next roof!


3 Myths about Tile Roof (And the Truth Behind Them)

3 Myths about Tile Roof (And the Truth Behind Them)

Tile roofing is a classic and elegant choice for homeowners in Great Bend, known for its durability and timeless appeal. However, like any roofing material, tile roofing comes with its fair share of myths and misconceptions. In this article, we’ll debunk three common myths about tile roofing and shed light on the truths that every homeowner should know. Plus, if you’re considering tile roofing for your Great Bend home, Shull Roofing is here to assist you in making an informed decision.

tile roof myths in Great Bend

Myth: Tile Roofing is Fragile and Breaks Easily

One of the most persistent myths about tile roofing is that it’s fragile and prone to breaking, especially under pressure or impact. Some homeowners worry that walking on a tile roof will lead to cracked tiles, making maintenance a delicate operation.

Truth: Tile Roofing is Durable and Resilient

In reality, tile roofing is incredibly durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions, including hail and heavy storms. Modern tile roofing materials are designed to be strong and resilient. They are tested to endure extreme temperatures and resist damage from impacts. While individual tiles can break if subjected to significant force, repairs are typically straightforward, and only the affected tiles need replacement.

Myth: Tile Roofing is Costly and Not Worth the Investment

Another common misconception is that tile roofing is prohibitively expensive. Some homeowners believe that the upfront cost of tile roofing is beyond their budget, making it an impractical choice.

Truth: Tile Roofing Offers Long-Term Value

While it’s true the initial investment for tile roofing can be higher than some other materials, it’s essential to consider the long-term value it provides. Tile roofing has an impressive lifespan, often exceeding 50 years or more with proper maintenance. This longevity means you won’t need to replace your roof as frequently as with other roofing materials, saving you money in the long run. Additionally, tile roofing offers excellent insulation, which can help lower your heating and cooling bills, adding to its overall value.

Myth: Tile Roofing is Only Suitable for Warm Climates

Some believe that tile roofing is only suitable for warm, Mediterranean-style climates. They think it’s not a practical choice for regions with colder winters, such as Great Bend, as it may not withstand the freezing temperatures and heavy snowfall.

Truth: Tile Roofing Performs Well in Various Climates

Tile roofing is, in fact, a versatile roofing material that performs well in various climates, including the colder winters of Great Bend. Tile roofing has excellent insulating properties, helping to regulate your home’s temperature in both hot and cold weather. Additionally, it provides natural ventilation, which can be advantageous in preventing ice dams during winter.

Consider Shull Roofing for Your Tile Roofing Needs

If you’re interested in the beauty and durability of tile roofing for your Great Bend home, Shull Roofing is your trusted partner. We specialize in roofing solutions that not only enhance your home’s aesthetics but also provide long-lasting protection. Our team of experts can guide you through the selection process, ensuring you choose the right tile roofing that suits your climate and preferences. Don’t let myths deter you from exploring the benefits of tile roofing. Contact Shull Roofing today to learn more about our tile roofing costs options and start your roofing project with confidence.

5 Questions to Ask Your Commercial Roofing Contractor

5 Questions to Ask Your Commercial Roofing Contractor

As a homeowner in Great Bend, the time may come when your attention turns skyward – to your roof. Whether you’re considering a commercial roof replacement or a much-needed repair, choosing the right commercial roofing contractor is a decision that can significantly impact your home’s integrity and peace of mind. The process of selecting a roofing company demands a thorough assessment of its capabilities, reputation, and commitment to excellence. Here are five crucial questions to pose to potential contractors, ensuring that you make an informed choice that aligns with your needs and expectations.

commercial roofing contractor in Great Bend

1. Are Your Credentials and Insurance in Place?

The foundation of a trustworthy roofing company lies in its credentials and insurance coverage. This is a twofold assurance: it confirms the company’s qualifications to perform the work you require, and it showcases their dedication to adhering to established standards and procedures. When engaging with a roofing contractor, inquire about the following specific items:

  • Licensing: Ensure that the contractor is approved by the state’s board of licensing contractors. Proper licensing is an indicator of expertise and professionalism.
  • Bonding: A bonding company’s verification demonstrates that the roofing contractor conducts their business ethically and correctly. It’s a mark of their commitment to maintaining high standards.
  • Insurance: It’s imperative that the contractor is fully insured with workers’ compensation, general liability, and vehicle insurance coverage. This not only protects their workforce but also safeguards you from any potential liability in case of accidents or damages.

A reputable roofing company, such as the well-established Shull Roofing, will readily provide you with documentation to substantiate these credentials.

2. Are You a Local Business?

The proximity of the roofing company is a significant consideration. Opt for contractors with a local address and phone number. This local presence ensures that in the event of unforeseen complications, the contractor can promptly assess the situation. Moreover, regular maintenance is often required to ensure the longevity of your roof. Local contractors are better equipped to understand the unique environmental challenges that can affect your roof’s condition.

Beware of companies that move from town to town following storms. These businesses might lack awareness of local laws, regulations, and permits that must be adhered to. A locally-rooted company possesses the advantage of familiarity with the community and its specific roofing needs.

commercial roofing in Great Bend

3. What’s Your Track Record?

Experience matters when it comes to roofing projects. Engaging a roofing contractor with an established track record brings with it a wealth of expertise and insights. A company that has been “around the block” possesses an in-depth understanding of roofing systems, materials, and techniques. The longer a company has been in business, the more likely it is to remain available for support in the years to come. Longevity signifies stability and reliability, giving you peace of mind that the contractor will be there when you need them.

4. Do You Offer Product Warranties?

Warranties offer assurance of a contractor’s confidence in their work and the materials they use. Before embarking on a roofing project, it’s crucial to clarify the available warranty options. These warranties can span various durations so it’s important to learn the various warranty options. Understanding the warranty coverage helps you anticipate any potential issues and ensures you’re protected in the long run.

5. Can You Provide References?

A reputable and ethical roofing company should have no qualms about providing references upon your request. These references serve as a valuable resource for understanding the contractor’s performance and professionalism. Speaking with past clients offers insights into both the positive aspects and any challenges they might have encountered. Don’t hesitate to ask for references and inquire about the experiences of others who have worked with the contractor.

Thankfully, Shull Roofing stands as a dependable and experienced option in the Great Bend area. Our commitment to transparent communication, reasonable pricing, and a seamless process sets us apart. We prioritize your roof’s longevity and your satisfaction, from the initial conversation to the final touches. 

If you’re seeking a roofing contractor that cares as much about your home as you do, reach out to us to discuss your roofing needs. Our team is ready to assist you in making the right choice for your roofing project.

5 Tips for Choosing the Right Roof for Your Great Bend Home

5 Tips for Choosing the Right Roof for Your Great Bend Home

When it comes to selecting a new roof for your Great Bend home, the decision-making process can be overwhelming. The roof is a vital element that protects your property, enhances its aesthetic appeal, and ensures energy efficiency. With numerous options available, making the right choice requires careful consideration. As the trusted expert in roofing solutions, Shull Roofing is here to provide you with five essential tips to help you choose the perfect roof for your Great Bend home.

how to choose a roof, Great Bend

Consider Your Climate and Weather Conditions:

Great Bend experiences a range of weather conditions throughout the year, from hot summers to cold winters. Before selecting a roof, it’s crucial to assess the climate and weather patterns in your area. Certain roofing materials may perform better in specific conditions. For instance, asphalt shingles are durable and suitable for various climates, while metal roofing can withstand extreme weather conditions, including heavy snowfall or hail. Consider how well each roofing material can resist weather-related issues such as water damage, UV rays, and wind resistance.

Focus on Energy Efficiency:

Energy-efficient roofing can significantly impact your utility bills and the overall comfort of your home. By opting for a roofing material with high insulation properties, you can reduce heat transfer, keeping your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. This not only enhances your living conditions but also saves money on heating and cooling costs. Consult with Shull Roofing to explore the most energy-efficient roofing options for your Great Bend home.

Assess Longevity and Durability:

A new roof is a substantial investment, and you want it to last for many years. Durability and longevity are critical factors to consider when choosing the right roofing material. Some materials, such as slate or concrete tiles, can last up to a century, while others, like asphalt shingles, may require replacement after 20-30 years. It’s essential to weigh the initial cost against the long-term benefits to make an informed decision. Shull Roofing can guide you in choosing a roofing material that offers both durability and an extended lifespan.

Complement Your Home’s Architecture and Style:

Residential Roof Repair - Shull Remodeling & Construction

Aesthetics play a significant role in enhancing your home’s curb appeal. The roof is a prominent feature that can either harmonize or clash with the overall architectural style of your home. Take into account the color, texture, and design of the roofing material in relation to the exterior of your house. For traditional homes, wood or slate may be ideal, while modern homes may benefit from the sleek look of metal or concrete tiles. Shull Roofing’s roofing experts can help you find a roofing solution that complements your home’s unique style.

Choose a Reputable Roofing Contractor:

No matter how high-quality your roofing material is, the installation process is equally important. Hiring a reliable and experienced roofing contractor like Shull Roofing is crucial for ensuring proper installation and long-term performance. A reputable contractor will have the expertise, licenses, and insurance to handle your roofing project with precision and professionalism. Check reviews, testimonials, and references to make an informed decision when choosing a roofing contractor for your Great Bend home.

Selecting the right roof for your Great Bend home is a significant decision that should not be taken lightly. By considering the climate, energy efficiency, durability, aesthetics, and expertise of your roofing contractor, you can make an informed choice that enhances the protection, value, and beauty of your property. With Shull Roofing’s guidance and extensive experience, you can confidently choose the perfect roofing solution that meets your unique needs and preferences, ensuring your home is well-protected. Give us a call today to discuss your roofing needs.